Warne’s “The Bijou Hoyle,” from Warne’s Bijou Library . . .

A recent little bit of email communication with David Levy had to do (in part) with Frederick Warne and Co., and that caused me to glance at a few of my Warne publications.

I’ve written about this book on this blog before, at some length, in fact.

But I’m not sure whether I ever posted any images of it before.

Warne 8 9 17 bq.jpg

It’s a dynamite little book, roughly the size of a playing card.  It includes the bodies (and fabulous colored frontispieces, one of which is shown here) of three of the books in the “Warne’s Bijou Books” series.

It includes Handbook of Whist, which I believe to be quite scarce. I suspect that The Bijou Hoyle is kinda scarce as well.

—Tom Sawyer

August 9, 2017

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